COVID-19 Information

The Wild Garden is CLOSED to all except Members and residents of the local Wychwood villages. Please DO NOT come if you live outside the local area.

Please respect the rules of access to the Garden

We ask that all visitors respect the Social Distancing requirements of 2 metres from any other group. If you have children or a dog with you please keep them 2 metres away from others to discourage petting or interaction.

Remember: No Fires, No Going into the Water, Dogs on Leads at all times, Take all Litter and Debris home.

Please note that there are NO visitor facilities or toilets in the Wild Garden or within the vicinity so please plan your visit accordingly

We are not able to carry out our normal volunteer maintenance schedule for the time being, so please take extra care when walking round the paths.
Please report any problems you encounter on 0845 8056804 so we can respond accordingly.

If you enjoy your walk please consider supporting us with a donation, go our ‘Support Us’ page and make a donation online.

Stay safe and enjoy the Wild Garden.